Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Attention NFL Owners With A Vacant Coaching Position

Your dreams have come true. I have found you your next head coach. He is young, full of zest for life, and quite possibly, the ultimate motivational speaker. He may be a little rough around the edges when it comes to the West Coast offense. He may not be able to make a firm decision on whether the team should run a 3-4 or 4-3 defensive front. He may not even like the game, big deal? What you really want is a marketable, pretty face. Someone who can woo your fans when he's being interviewed as he jogs into the locker room at halftime. Someone who can light a fire under an underachieving group of professional monsters, and turn a 17 point halftime deficit into a thrilling, last second 3 point victory. And if he happens to be Batman in his free time, well then all the better for memorabilia sales.

The link below will take you to an audio clip from the set of the latest Terminator movie, starring Christian Bale. If your ears are sensitive to swears, you're going to want to get the muffs out. What Christian appears to be doing is what's commonly referred to as "motivating the troops". Unfortunately, he seems to sacrifice the personal pride of one of his team members. It really has nothing to do with sports, and seemingly has no place in my blog, but if you were ever wondering what Christian said after finding out The Dark Knight wasn't nominated for an Oscar in the Best Picture category, I'm guessing it might be similar to what's heard here. Someone needs to tell the caterer to limit the amount of Red Bull Mr. Bale is allowed to have. Enjoy the sweet whispers of an American Psycho...


Perhaps it was Heath who put it best when he so eloquently posed the question "Why so serious?"

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