Saturday, March 14, 2009

Jay Cutler Officially Needs A Diaper Change

Jay Cutler put his 7,516 square foot Denver home on the market this week, in an attempt to reveal an adoption of the "you can't fire me, I quit," attitude. Not to worry Bronco fans, Cutler still has his downtown condo, he's simply pulling this stunt for attention. Let's take a step back to examine...

Cutler is Denver's Pro Bowl quarterback. This offseason, Dever hired Patriots offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels to take over their vacant head coach position. Two weeks ago, rumors spread that McDaniels was attempting to trade Cutler. Since then, Cutler hasn't quit sobbing to the media about how badly his precious feelings were hurt, while McDaniels has publicly stated he is not interested in trading Cutler. Earth to Cutler, if it's a promise ring you're looking for, we stopped giving those out in middle school.

McDaniels however, is the same coach who was directly responsible for making Matt Cassell - who hadn't started a football game since high school - into a Pro Bowl caliber quarterback. That's fancy. McDaniels also comes to Denver directly from the most successful football franchise of the past decade. There's a pretty good chance he knows what's up when it comes to running an offense.

So Jay, I humbly suggest you take a deep breath, dab your tears, and realize what's happening. You have an offensive-minded head coach, who just last year turned a career backup into Pro Bowl-grade material. That same head coach has publicly stated he is not trying to trade you, but in fact, looks forward to helping you become an even better quarterback. Yet, because you're attitude is apparently that of a 7 year old, you've decided to pout, and attempt to sell a mansion during the worst economic crisis since The Great Depression. Smooth.

How about lock it up, get your binky, tell your realtor you were just kidding and we'll see you at mini camp in a couple months. Okay? Okay...

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